Monday 14 September 2009

Week 2 : 14th - 17th Sept 2009

Our second week this term and we're looking at the application of rudiments around the drum kit. This serves several purposes. It makes practicing rudiments a bit more fun (rather than just playing rudiments on one practice pad or snare drum over and over again!) but it also gets you thinking of the whole drum kit as your instrument.

We started looking at Paradiddles ( singles, doubles, and triples ) around the kit. Work through the exercises below in your own time. Remember to make all of the beats even, in terms of strength and speed and to 'keep your eye on the ball' watch where you're hitting - your hands will follow your eyes.

In the last exercise we'll look, we're going to play a Bounce Triplet exercise around the kit. Again, make sure that all of the beats are even.


  1. Hi Alex
    In week three, struggled a little bit with the bass whilst on the up swing. I know the guys in the class have some previous term experience so ran a little behind. To confirm, the usual 1 and 2 (snare) and,(all on high hat) on the up of three hit the bass on the up of three and on the down of three. Need to catch up with the other guys exercises. Hope this makes sense if not will catch up on Monday. Great fun though.
    Thanks Stuart

  2. Stuart

    You're doing fine, hang in there!

    OK, "1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and" played on the hi hat - evenly ... so down on the '1' (up stroke .... then) down on the 'and' (up stroke .... then) down on the '2' (up stroke .... then) down on the 'and' and so on until you get to the 'and-of-4'

    Once you've got that going - evenly ... then '2' and '4' have snare drums with your following hand.

    OK, so with your lead hand, if you're beating evenly - 1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and etc your hand will naturally be at the top of the stroke before you bring it down again for the next beat (for either a number or an 'and') THIS is when you have the 'E' or the 'a' of our 1-E-and-a, 2-E-and-a pattern.

    Have a look at the sheet from week 3's lesson and have a go - slowly and we'll go over it again on Monday.

    Hang in there

