Thursday 4 February 2010

Week 3/4 : Part 2 "Playing the Odds"

Odd Time Signatures

Normal or 'common' time is referred to as 4/4, meaning there are 4 quarter notes (crotchets) in a bar. This is sometimes referred to as 'common time' and is notated by a C at the beginning of the music.

We started to look at music that has an 'Odd" Time Signature - meaning an amount, other than 4, of pulses in a bar.

The first one we looked at was in 5/4 - which means there are 5 quarter notes in a bar. Play through the groove below remembering to count 1-2-3-4-5.

We then looked at a basic 'Rock-Waltz' in 3/4. Again have a go at the groove below, counting 1-2-3, 1-2-3 etc

Having looked at grooves that move in an odd number of quarter notes we then moved on to 'odd' 8th note patterns.

A time signature of 7/8 means there are 7 8th notes in a bar. The count for this can be either simply 1-2-3-4-5-6-7, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7 etc or 1-and-2-and-3-and-4 (remember ... NO 'and' of 4).

Play through the groove below and find out which method of counting works for you.


  1. hi alex.
    if you can find time to blog the drum and bass groove as i've forgotten it...that would be great.good lesson this week....keep up the good work!


  2. me again alex...just to let you know that i've got this as my home page too!..respect!

  3. Hey Alex, seeing if I have been uncensored, Ali P

  4. Hi Alex,

    Ok great, seems that it is now working for me to write comments, not sure what I was doing wrong before. Great lesson last week, working my way through the mountains yee hah
